The PULSE of Protractor:

Our Focus Now and for the Future

The first quarter of 2022 is all but wrapped up and it’s been a bit of a whirlwind. Between our annual kick-offs, opening a new office, and attending multiple conferences, we’ve been on a spree of improving our teams, products, and partnerships. There is no sign of slowing down as we begin April, and we have a lot to share about future plans.


Focused on Stability. While you haven’t seen many new features within the product since 2021, we’ve been hard at work solidifying the application architecture. With the recent string of cyber attacks affecting the auto repair market, we’ve dedicated a large portion of our roadmap to data security and scale. We’re planning to get back to feature development in Q2 with some great additions. You can check out our Facebook User Group for details.


Focused on Customers. We’ll be launching new customer feedback programs in Q2. We’ve recently added new members to our development, product, and customer success teams to design and execute customer-driven feedback programs. This will help us produce more visibility within our development process.


Focused on the Market. Just in 2021, there was over $100M invested in shop management software companies. We expect to see more contraction and consolidation in the coming months, but our focus remains on serving our customers to achieve success in the market. Rising tides raise all ships, and Protractor has never been stronger.


As always, we are looking to the future and will continue to strive to provide the best experience for our customers.